
標題: 〈高盛:比特幣陷破底危機,恐再摔35%〉〈MoneyDJ〉〈2018-03-13〉 [打印本頁]

作者: iiifgh    時間: 2018-3-13 12:03 PM     標題: 〈高盛:比特幣陷破底危機,恐再摔35%〉〈MoneyDJ〉〈2018-03-13〉

本帖最後由 iiifgh 於 2018-3-14 12:48 AM 編輯

BIS示警「發行加密貨幣有風險」 比特幣價格應聲走跌
鉅亨網林信男2018/03/13 14:49


國際清算銀行 (BIS)示警,稱加密貨幣存在風險,難在短期內成為法定貨幣;消息一出,週二 (13 日) 比特幣價格應聲走跌。

根據 Investing.com 報導,交易平台 Bitfinex 數據顯示,比特幣交易價格跌至 9,243.2 美元,在 24 小時內下跌 1.8%;市值第 2 的以太幣,下跌 1.1%,至 704.56 美元。

由交易平台 Poloniex 數據可得知,市值第 3 的瑞波幣,下跌 1.6%,至 0.78460 美元;萊特幣下跌 3.5%,至 178.48 美元。

台北時間週二下午 2 點 45 分,比特幣價格來到 9,392.0 美元。

BIS 指出,若各國央行發行類似比特幣的加密貨幣,不僅會徹底改變全球金融體系,其中也存在著欺詐風險。

BIS 強調,發行加密貨幣,並非全無益處,但可能使各銀行面臨更大的網路攻擊風險。

BIS 建議,應先研究降低風險的辦法,再考慮發行加密貨幣。

MoneyDJ新聞 2018-03-13 10:28:24 記者 陳瑞哲 報導



根據Coin Market Cap的報價,比特幣昨(12)日報9,155.44美元,過去一周時間累計重挫21%,總市值萎縮至1,549億美元。(The Motley Fool)


Cointelegraph.com報導指出,比特幣去年底一度逼近20,000美元的歷史天價,今年最低跌至6,048美元,部份專家將之怪罪於前最大比特幣交易所Mt. Gox的律師與破產受託人,在市場拋售4億美元的比特幣所致。

2018-03-13 10:07聯合新聞網 文章提供/新一代兒童週報


Have you ever heard of something called Bitcoin? Many people are talking about it all over the world. You may have heard that some people are even getting rich because of it. But what exactly is it? It might be easier to understand by first explaining what it is not.


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash


You already use money every day. Maybe your mom or dad gives you one-hundred dollars (NTD $100). That red piece of paper is called a bill, or paper money. If you buy something that costs $90, you will get a $10 coin back. These bills and coins are physical money. Bitcoin is not like this. You can’t touch it.

你每天都會用到錢。也許爸爸或媽媽給了你新臺幣100元,那張紅色的紙,就叫鈔票(bill),或叫紙鈔(paper money)。你拿這張紙鈔去買90元的東西,找了一個10元硬幣(coin)回來。紙鈔和硬幣都叫作「實體貨幣」(physical money)。但比特幣不是實體貨幣,你摸不著它。


Bitcoin is a kind of money, or currency, but you don’t hold it in your hand. It lives online. It’s kind of like the coins you collect in a video game—it only exists as information inside a computer network. This kind of virtual money is called cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is just one of many kinds of cryptocurrencies.



What’s the difference between physical and virtual money? Physical money can be centralized. That means the bills and coins are kept in banks. Every country only makes so much physical money. When you move money by buying things, the banks keep track of it. It doesn’t matter if the money is cash, credit or debit—the bank still tracks it.



On the other hand, Bitcoin is not centralized. That means it is not made by any government or tracked by the banks of any country. When people spend their Bitcoin, they are the only ones who know. If you spend Bitcoin on a new music album or something online, only you know about it.



have sticky fingers 順手牽羊

Be careful carrying lots of physical money. A thief may have sticky fingers, or steal it from you.


flip a coin 擲銅板

Can’t decide between two things? Toss a real coin up in the air to help you decide.



●money, currency 錢(俗名)、貨幣(正式名稱)


●physical 具有實體的

●flip 輕輕拋擲

●virtual 虛擬的

●track 追蹤、記載

●music album 音樂專輯

●sticky 黏稠的

英文撰稿╱Sloan Sabbith


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